HC Deb 29 July 1912 vol 41 cc1633-4

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that many of the smaller friendly societies who have made application for approval have received no reply, while their larger rivals in the district have been approved, with the result of giving to the larger societies a great advantage in securing new members; and what steps the Government are taking to correct this inequality?


So far as possible applications for approval have been dealt with in the order in which they have been received. In many cases approval has been unavoidably retarded by the delay of the society in returning its rules amended in accordance with the suggestions of the Commissioners. If the Noble Lord will be good enough to furnish particulars of any societies he has in mind, their cases shall be investigated in detail.


Can the right hon. Gentleman state how many societies who applied for approval before 15th July have not yet received replies from the Insurance Commissioners?


I could not say without notice. There may have been some who applied on 14th July.

36 and 37. Mr. GINNELL

asked (36) why the Registrar of Friendly Societies has, since Parliament in the National Insurance Act gave a special meaning to the term approved society, registered new societies calling themselves by that name at a time when it was untrue, misleading, and used expressly for the purpose of obtaining clients under the Act; and (37) what special inquiry the Insurance Commissioners made into the record of persons applying for approval of new societies called approved societies before their approval had been obtained, and therefore when the name was false; whether the Commissioners treated that false pretence as a reason for special inquiry; whether the result of the inquiry in all these cases has been satisfactory; and whether any societies now under investigation are nevertheless operating as though approved?


No society is entitled to call itself approved until approval is granted by the Commissioners, and the Commissioners are not aware that any society now approved offended in this respect, but if my hon. Friend will give me particulars of any case he has in mind I will make inquiries. I should be glad if my hon. Friend would give me the names of the societies he has in mind.


This is the fourth time the question has appeared on the Paper. Why has the Registrar of Friendly Societies registered the London and Provincial Approved Society?


If it is registered as an approved society it is probably because it is an approved society.


How did it acquire this name before it was approved?


I have no knowledge that it did use the name or that it was registered under that name before it was approved. I am asking the hon. Member to give me particulars on the subject.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say under what name it applied for registration and under what name it applied for approval?


I cannot say without notice.