HC Deb 24 July 1912 vol 41 c1181

asked whether persons who have not joined an approved society by 15th October will have to continue as deposit contributors, or whether they can afterwards transfer to an approved society; if so, on what terms; and why this information is not available to persons who seek it direct from the Insurance Commissioners?


A deposit contributor may at any time become a member of any approved society which is willing to accept him. This information has been given by myself in Parliament, and also to persons seeking it direct from the Insurance Commission. A person, however, who allows himself to become a deposit contributor runs the risk of experiencing difficulty in joining an approved society, either through falling ill in the meantime or through the adoption by societies of medical tests not at present enforced, and the Commissioners would regard advice deliberately to delay beyond 15th October as very inimical to the interests of insured persons.