HC Deb 22 July 1912 vol 41 cc811-3

asked why, in appointing members of the provisional insurance committee for the county borough of York, no representative was appointed either of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, which has about 3,000 members within the county borough, or of the National Independent Order of Oddfellows, which has over 1,100 members within the county borough; and whether, in view of the numbers of these two friendly societies as compared with the probable total number of insured persons within the county borough of York, the absence of representation of these two friendly societies on the provisional insurance committee is considered proper or desirable?


The representatives of the large friendly societies on the committee were selected by the National Conference of Friendly Societies, on which both the Grand United Order of Oddfellows and the National Independent Order of Oddfellows are represented. When the number of insured persons has been ascertained, steps will be taken to constitute insurance committees in precise accordance with the terms of Section 59 of the National Insurance Act, and the regulations with respect to future appointments of representatives of insured persons will provide for conferring on the approved societies which have members resident in the committee's area the power of appointing the representatives of such members.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that two of the persons appointed to serve on the York provisional insurance Committee are resident in the West Riding of Yorkshire at a distance from the city of York; whether he will state by whom such persons were nominated or selected, and the reasons for their appointment; and by whom the other persons named in Part III. of the Schedule to the National Health Insurance (County Borough of York Insurance Committee) Order, 1912, were nominated or selected?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The two persons referred to were selected by the National Conference of Friendly Societies, and, in accordance with the undertaking given to the central bodies who were invited to make selections, the Commissioners accepted the names forwarded to them by those central bodies. The persons named in Part III. of the Schedule to the Order were all selected by the central bodies of the Friendly Societies, Trade Unions, and Industrial Assurance Offices, except those who were selected by the committee itself at its preliminary meeting.


What is the reason for appointing these persons outside the area?


I do not know the names of these persons, but I should suppose it was because they represented societies with members inside the area of York. These were the names submitted to us by the friendly societies themselves.


asked for how long the York Provisional Insurance Committee will remain in office; and how soon that committee will be superseded by a committee properly appointed under Section 59 of the Act?


The Order constituting the committee provides that the persons who by virtue of the Order are members of the committee shall hold office up to the date on which it is declared by the Insurance Commissions that an insurance committee has been duly constituted for the county borough in accordance with the provisions of Section 59 of the Act, or until 15th July, 1913, whichever date is the earlier.


Can the right hon. Gentleman indicate when the time will arrive for the supersession of the provisional committee?


In any case it cannot be later than 15th July, 1913. In the majority of cases it will be before that date.


In reference to Ireland, are the people there right in understanding that the appointing authorities may at any time prior to 15th July next year proceed to appoint a permanent committee?


Certainly. It is the desire of the Irish Commissioners to get a permanent body appointed as speedily as possible.