§ 71. Mr. EDWARD WOODasked whether hay and straw for the forthcoming camps near Bridlington is to be brought from Liverpool; and whether the farmers in the Bridlington district were given the opportunity of supplying it before the order was placed elsewhere?
§ Mr. TENNANTFull opportunity was given to farmers in the Bridlington district to supply forage and paillasse straw to the camps mentioned. Little or no help could be obtained from them; and in the case of straw, as only about one-third of the total requirements could be obtained locally, a contract was made with a Liverpool firm, who are supplying straw from Lincolnshire. It is not known from what source the contractors will obtain the hay required.
§ Mr. LANE-FOXMay I ask whether the difficulty in the matter is the price, or does the hon. Gentleman mean to imply that the farmers are not willing to supply hay and straw for the camps?
§ Mr. TENNANTI understand that the farmers have not a sufficient quantity to meet the requirements.
MARQUESS of TULLIBARDINEMay I ask whether the hon. Gentleman could arrange to deal with farmers' clubs in order to get sufficient hay and straw, as is done at other places?
§ Mr. TENNANTI will make inquiry as to that.