HC Deb 16 July 1912 vol 41 cc207-8

asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been directed to the daily complaints in the telephone service as to subscribers being told that numbers are engaged when this is not the case, and when, in answer to calls, the local exchange has stated that the number was not wanted; to delays in getting lines cleared and in attracting the operator's attention after getting a wrong number; to delays in getting the operator's attention when desiring a fresh number; to delays in getting lines cleared after ringing off trunks; and to interruptions of conversations by questions from operators and by disconnections in the course of conversations; whether his attention has been called to delays in the installation of telephone instruments contracted for; to complaints as to indistinct and faint lines and as to intermittent and incessant ringing during heavy rains; to complaints by message-rate subscribers of being asked to make deposits far in excess of likely calls, and, on remonstrating, receiving a demand for a much larger sum, in some cases as much as £5 after having asked for £2; and complaints as to the manner of conducting correspondence from exchange managers' departments and as to excess call charges; whether these complaints emanate from shortage of lines, inadequate or overworked staff, or are due to organisation on different lines to that of the National Telephone Company; and what steps he proposes taking to make the service at least as effective as it was before the transfer of the telephone took place in January last?


The hon. Member's question raises so large a number of points that it is impossible to give an adequate reply within the limits of an oral answer. I propose, therefore, to circulate a statement with the Votes. [See Written Answers this date.]

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