HC Deb 16 July 1912 vol 41 cc197-8

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will give the particulars of the grass farms acquired by the Government for the breeding or keeping of horses for military purposes; and will he state where the farms are situated, the acreage of each farm, and the number of the horses on each farm?

Colonel SEELY

No grass farms have been acquired for the breeding of horses. As regards the keeping of horses for military purposes, in addition to the existing Army remount depots, a grass farm at Witley has been presented to the Government by Mr. Pinckard for twenty-one years at a peppercorn rent. The farm is about 150 acres in extent, and can accomdate 150 horses for short periods. Negotiations are pending for extending the system.


What about the number of the horses?

Colonel SEELY

I should like to have notice as to the precise number.


It is in my question.

Colonel SEELY

I will reply to that tomorrow or Monday if the hon. Member will put a question down.