HC Deb 16 July 1912 vol 41 c210

asked whether the double-bottom pay of chief and stoker petty officers was stopped last November; why this stoppage occurred; whether the chief and stoker petty officers, have to go through the compartments and test the place and see if it is fit for men to work in; whether they are responsible for the men's work in the same manner as before pay was stopped; and are they on duty just the same as before?


Payment to chief and stoker petty officers for supervision, only of work in double-bottoms and confined spaces is not provided for in the Regulations, and orders were issued last November for erroneous payments to cease. The question of allowing some remuneration for the service is, however, now under consideration. Article 1081 (c) of the King's Regulations places the responsibility, under the engineer officer, on the chief and stoker petty officer in charge of the double-bottom party that the air in each compartment is tested and found satisfactory before any men are allowed to enter. This, in most cases, entails the petty officer going through the compartment.


Are we to understand that the work done by these petty officers is the same kind of work as that done by the men themselves?


No, I do not think so.