HC Deb 26 February 1912 vol 34 cc971-2

asked whether it is with the approval of the Board that some county councils are throwing the sinking fund charges in respect of statutory small holdings upon the county rates; and whether, in the event of a judicial decision being hereafter given to the effect that such action is ultra vires The Small Holdings Act, 1908, such councils run the risk of being surcharged the amount of the above charges?


The approval by the Board of the practice referred to is only that which may be implied by their approval of schemes in which the sinking fund charges in respect of purchase money are not treated as expenses to be recouped out of the rents. The second inquiry of the hon. Member should be addressed to my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board.


Is there not a danger, if the county councils follow the procedure that is evidently now approved by the Government, of their being ultimately surcharged?


I can express no opinion on that except to say that in the case of the West Riding of Yorkshire and Glamorganshire, where the charges are borne by the rates and not out of the rent payable by the small holders, there has been, no case of surcharge.