§ Major GASTRELLasked whether a number of telegraphists at the Central Telegraph Office who belong to the Royal Engineer Telegraph Reserve have had a week's pay deducted for the period of their technical training with the Royal Engineers, although they have a week's residue leave due to them; whether such residue leave has been formerly permitted to be taken by Central Office telegraphists and continues to be allowed to provincial telegraphists; and whether, in view of the fact that Territorials in Post Office employ are granted one week's leave with full civil pay and the Army Post Office corps ten days' leave with full civil pay, the right hon. Gentleman will grant to members of the Royal Engineer Telegraph Reserve a similar privilege by allowing them special leave with full civil pay for one week, or permit them to deduct one week from their residue leave?
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELThe facts are as stated by the hon. and gallant 987 Member, except that in all cases—Territorials as well as Royal Engineer Reserve—Civil pay is not given for one week of the period of annual training. The "residue" leave referred to is that part of the holidays which, by arrangement with the staff, has to be taken in the winter months. To allow it to be taken in the summer would necessitate a reduction of the established holiday substitute force. The men of the Army Post Office Corps were performing actual postal work during the ten days in question, and, consequently, were entitled to Post Office pay.
Captain CRAIGasked whether the difficulties in connection with the question of reckoning for superannuation purposes the Army service actually rendered on Post Office duties of ex-Royal Engineers have been overcome; and, if not, whether the Postmaster-General will take such immediate steps as may be necessary to place the question within the scope of the inquiry by the Select Committee about to be appointed to consider the wages and conditions of service of Post Office employés.
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELThe difficulties in the way of reckoning towards Civil superannuation the Army service rendered by Royal Engineers on Post Office work have not yet been overcome; and are now engaging the immediate attention of the Secretary of State for War and myself. I do not think that a Select Committee upon the wages and conditions of employment of Post Office servants would be a fitting body to consider the question of pension for military service. Any question of pension for Civil service would be within the scope of their inquiry.