HC Deb 22 February 1912 vol 34 cc718-9

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the Estates Commissioners have acquired some untenanted land, known as Inisfea, at Templenoe, county Kerry; and whether, with a view to completing negotiations for the purchase of the Colomb estate in that district, the two Gaines, evicted tenants, will be either restored to their holdings on the Colomb estate or will be provided with new holdings at Inisfea, which is in the same district?

The VICE-PRESIDENT of the BOARD Of AGRICULTURE (Ireland) (Mr. T. W. Russell)

The Estates Commissioners received applications from John Gaine and James Gaine for reinstatement in holdings formerly occupied by them on the Colomb estate, county Kerry, and, after inquiry and consideration, decided to take no action in the matter. It is not the Commissioners' intention to provide holdings for the Gaines in lieu of the holdings formerly occupied by them on the Colomb estate.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the negotiations for the sale of this estate would be completed if these evicted tenants could be reinstated?


I am not aware of any of the particulars.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make further inquiry?


The Commissioners say that they do not intend to provide holdings for the Gaines in lieu of those occupied by them on the Colomb estate.


asked (1) whether the Estates Commissioners have yet decided upon reinstating in her former holding in Rossbeg, county Fermanagh, Jane O'Connor, widow of the late John O'Connor, who was evicted (on the Bloomfield estate) in the year 1892; whether the untenanted land on this estate is now being striped by the Commissioners for distribution; and when a decision upon Mrs. O'Connor's application for reinstatement may be expected; and (2) what decision the Estates Commissioners have come to on the applications for reinstatement under the Evicted Tenants Act made by James M'Gauran and Michael M'Gauran, who were evicted from their holdings on the estate of the Life Association of Scotland, situate in county Fermanagh?


The Estates Commissioners have approved of a scheme for the distribution of the Castlecaldwell demesne on the estate of the Life Association of Scotland, in county Fermanagh, which has been purchased by the Commissioners, and in the scheme it is proposed to provide parcels for Mrs. O'Connor and one of her sons, and for Michael M'Gauran.


asked what steps, if any, have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to acquire the several landed estates in the parish of Achill, county Mayo; and whether, having regard to the congested condition of the people of this parish, the Board will consider the advisability of proceeding at an early date to acquire such estates compulsorily if the landlords do not offer to sell them voluntarily?


The Congested Districts Board have communicated with the agents or owners of the several estates in the parish of Achill. The Board do not propose, at present, to take any steps to acquire these estates compulsorily.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the compulsory powers of the Congested Districts Board will be put in operation?


I cannot make any statement of that kind.

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