HC Deb 21 February 1912 vol 34 cc621-2

asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware that dissatisfaction exists in the Post Office money order department at Holloway in consequence of the official statement with reference to the duties being performed by the new grade of assistant women clerks; that it is said that this official statement conveys erroneous information to the public; and whether, in order that the facts may be beyond dispute, he will inform the House what is the actual work both women clerks, girl clerks, and the new grade of assistant women clerks are called upon to perform?


I am aware that the official description of a certain class of duties as "comparing amounts shown in two places to see that one entry corresponds with the other" is considered by the Women Clerks' Association to be misleading. The description of the simple duties in question is not exhaustive, but I cannot agree that it conveys erroneous information. A complete description of these and other duties of the classes mentioned by the hon. Member obviously cannot be given in answer to a question, but I shall be glad to furnish it to the Select Committee of this House which will shortly be appointed to consider the conditions of employment in the Post Office and before which, no doubt, this matter will be brought.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he will circulate a memorandum on the subject to Members of the House? Is he aware that a large number of Members have received certain statements with reference to this matter giving a most definite contradiction to the statement which the right hon. Gentleman has just made? Would it not be made clear if he would circulate a memorandum?


It would not be likely to remove controversy to circulate a memorandum containing statements which are themselves controverted. This is a matter more for the Select Committee which will shortly be appointed than for the whole body of the House. It is exceedingly technical and detailed.


May I ask if the right hon. Gentleman will stop adding to the number of women clerks until the Select Committee has considered the whole matter?


Vacancies will be filled up when they occur, but I am not contemplating a large addition to the staff until this matter has been reported upon by the Select Committee.