HC Deb 19 February 1912 vol 34 cc298-9

asked the Lord Advocate if he can give the reasons why the masters of elementary schools in Scotland who are qualified are not allowed to prepare students for both the secondary schools and for the universities; if he is aware of the hardships, physical and otherwise, endured by children who, under the present system, are obliged to travel daily long distances in order to reach schools where higher instruction is given; and if he is prepared to take any steps to lessen this evil, especially so in view of the fact that the provisions made to surmount the disability under which children residing in outlying parts of the country admittedly labour have proved nugatory; and if he will state the number of primary schools in Scotland in which the scheme outlined in the Report on Secondary Education, 1910–11, has been adopted?


I welcome this opportunity of denying in the most emphatic manner possible the allega-ation too frequently repeated that masters of elementary schools in Scotland who are qualified to do so are not allowed to prepare students either for the secondary schools, or, if they can, for the universities. As the remainder of the question is based on this fundamental misapprehension, no further reply seems to be called for. If, however, my hon. Friend has in view any particular cases of hardship, I shall be glad to answer any question he may desire to put relative to these. I have difficulty in following the reference to the Secondary Education Report in the latter part of my hon. Friend's question, but if he will be good enough to repeat his question with specific references to the report, I will endeavour to obtain the information desired.