HC Deb 18 December 1912 vol 45 c1476

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed on 26th October by the Passara (European) Planters' Association of Ceylon asking the Ceylon Government that, before the Government agent licensed a tavern within two miles of the boundary of any estate, he should consult the manager of the estate; what reply the Ceylon Government has made to this request; and whether he has issued any instructions to the Ceylon Government for their future guidance in dealing with such cases?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Harcourt)

I have seen reports of the meeting of this association in Ceylon newspapers, but I have no official information on the subject. The suggestion made in the resolution will no doubt be considered by the local Government in connection with the formation of the proposed Advisory Boards. I do not propose to issue any instructions on the matter, at any rate until the constitution of the boards has been settled.

17. Sir H. ROBERTS

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has received a memorial signed by 3,000 inhabitants of the Habitigam Korale, Ceylon, dated the 11th September, praying for the removal of the toddy shops established in their area under the new Excise Ordinance; and whether he is in a position to make any statement with regard to these licences?


I have received the memorial to which my hon. Friend refers. The consumption of liquor at these taverns is being carefully watched, but I agree with the Governor that it would be premature to make any immediate Order as to the closing of any of them, especially as illicit sales are still going on in this district.