§ 6. Sir CLEMENT KINLOCH-COOKEasked whether there is an Admiralty order 427 authorising payment of an extra 1s. to the men of the yard craft for excessive work; whether he is aware that on the day of the launching of the last battleship at Devon-port the crew of the "Rover" were working excessive hours, but have not yet received the extra pay; and will he explain why the money is being withheld?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAAn allowance of the kind referred to in the question is authorised by the dockyard regulations; but the dockyard officers report that, on the occasion referred to, the crew of the "Rover" did not work excessive hours.
§ Sir C. KINLOCH-COOKEIf I am in a position to prove that the men on the "Hover" did work excessive hours, will he give them the extra pay?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLThe whole question is now under consideration.