HC Deb 09 December 1912 vol 45 cc31-2
40. Mr. KING

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman has become apprised that there is an increasing demand for coppers and threepences; and whether he will consider the issue through the Royal Mint of a neat nickel coinage for one, two, and three pence, respectively, thus relieving the public of the bulk and inconvenience of the present issue of copper coins and of the present threepenny silver coins?


I am not satisfied that there are any sufficient grounds to justify so vital and expensive a change. I greatly doubt whether the substitution of nickel coins for the existing bronze coins would be popular with the large majority of those who use small denominations.

41. Mr. KING

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware that, owing to the operation of the National Insurance Act and the paying of wages in an increased number of cases in odd money, there is a deficiency of copper coinage; and whether the Royal Mint will be instructed to issue low denominations of the coinage to supply the current needs?


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to the inconvenience caused by the scarcity of copper coins in circulation; is he aware that banks can only supply their customers with difficulty; and whether he will cause an adequate quantity to be coined forthwith to avoid this inconvenience to traders?


My attention has been drawn to the very large demand for bronze pence since July last. Special measures of an exceptional kind have already been taken to meet the difficulty, which, I trust, will only be of a temporary nature. The total issue of bronze coinage this year to date is nearly twice the amount issued during the whole of last year, no less than £202,555 of bronze having been issued since 15th July last, and every possible source of supply has been and is being utilised.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman can state the number of farthings coined at the Mint in each of the last ten years; and whether he has any information showing those parts of the country where farthings are in common use and those parts where the use of them is comparatively rare?


I will circulate a statement showing such information as is available on this subject.