HC Deb 05 December 1912 vol 44 cc2460-1

asked the Chief Secretary in how many cases have the Estates Commissioners instituted legal proceedings against reinstated evicted tenants for non-compliance with the rules as to the working of their lands, and the results of such proceedings; in how many cases are proceedings pending; in how many cases have tenants carried out their undertakings to comply with the Commissioners' requirements; and the results to date of the investigation which has been directed in regard to other cases of reinstated evicted tenants who are apparently not residing on or working their holdings in a proper manner?


By the direction of the Estates Commissioners, notices were served on ten reinstated evicted tenants to deliver up to the Commissioners the possession of holdings which had been allotted to them as evicted tenants, and also to refund the amounts of the Grants made to them. In six of these cases writs in Chancery have been issued to recover possession of the lands and the refund of the Grants, and in the four remaining cases the Commissioners are of opinion that the parties are now endeavouring to comply with their requirements, and do not propose to issue writs at present. As regards other cases under consideration, the Commissioners are not in a position at present to make any statement.