HC Deb 02 December 1912 vol 44 cc2043-4

(1) The Admiralty may, notwithstanding anything in any enactment to the contrary, construct and maintain the pier hereinafter described in the line and according to the levels shown upon the deposited plan and sections, together with all works and conveniences necessary or proper for use in connection with the pier or for the use of vessels using the pier.

(2) The pier above referred to is—a pier or jetty in the Parts of Lindsey, in the county of Lincoln, in the parish of North Killingholme and rural district of Glanford Brigg, commencing at a point on the foreshore of the River Humber, three hundred yards or thereabouts measured in a north-easterly direction from the north-west corner of the New Inn at North Killingholme Haven, and extending into and terminating in the bed or soil of the said river at a point distant two hundred and eighty yards or thereabouts measured in a north-easterly direction from its commencement as hereinbefore described.

(3) The pier shall be of open pile work. At two points at convenient intervals from the end of the pier there shall intervene between the pairs of piles a space of twenty-five feet; and the underside of the floor or deck of the pier shall be at least ten feet above the level of high water at ordinary spring tides.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."


This Clause is an operative Clause, and I rise in order to induce the Government to make some announcement with regard to their future inten- tions. As they by inadvertence omitted to take advantage of the opportunity, I now give them another. Clause 1 begins as follows:—

"The Admiralty may, notwithstanding anything in any enactment to the contrary, construct and maintain the pier hereinafter described in the line,"

and so forth. I have read the first words to show that this is the most operative Clause of the Bill, and therefore, I think, a convenient opportunity for the Admiralty to make some announcement to the Committee, either confirming or otherwise the statement made by the hon. Member for Stoke (Mr. John Ward). It is a very important matter that the Committee should know whether all the arrangements made in connection with the Bill are to be part of the future permanent policy.


Any announcement by the Government upon that point would come on Clause 7, not on this Clause.


Can I have an assurance that the Government will take the opportunity of making it on Clause 7?