HC Deb 07 August 1912 vol 41 cc3160-2

asked whether the Estates Commissioners received the petition and query forms duly signed by the tenants on the estate of O'Grady Delmege, situate at Glensharrold, in the county of Limerick, asking to have a sale of the estate under the Land Act take place; and what action do they intend to take in the matter?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the affirmative. The matter is at present under consideration of the Estates Commissioners.

76. Mr. FLAVIN

asked whether the schedules of tenancies on the John Sands estate, in North Kerry, have now been lodged by the solicitors having carriage of sale with the Congested Districts Board; if so, whether the Congested Districts Board have yet inspected the lands; and, if so, what progress has been made with a view to immediate purchase?


The schedule of tenancies on the estate referred to has been lodged with the Congested Districts Board, and the Board will arrange for the lands to be inspected as soon as practicable.

77. Mr. FLAVIN

asked if an inspection has yet taken place on the Charles Edward Day estate, situate in North Kerry; whether the agreements to purchase were signed in March, 1908; and when will the inspection take place and the vesting orders to the tenants be issued?


This estate is the subject of proceedings for sale direct by the vendor to the tenants, and is on the principal register of direct sales (all cash). The purchase agreements were lodged in August, 1908. The estate will be dealt with in order of priority, but, having regard to its position on the principal register and the claims of other estates, the Commissioners are not in a position to say when it will be reached in its turn.

79. Mr. LYNCH

asked when the estate of Lord Leconfield in West Clare will be dealt with by the Congested Districts Board; and when the Kildeerno farm will be acquired for division amongst those uneconomic tenants for the benefit of whose class the Land Act of 1909 was passed?


Lord Leconfield's estate in West Clare, including the farm referred to, has not been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board. It is understood that he will only sell the estate direct to the tenants under the Land Purchase Acts.


Would it be possible in this case to use compulsory powers?


That, of course, is a question which has to be considered by the Congested Districts Board in connection with a great number of others.

80. Mr. FLAVIN

asked what steps have been taken by the Congested Districts Board to purchase the tenanted and un-tenanted land of Eyre Stack, situate near Liselton Cross, North Kerry; and when the people of the neighbourhood may hope that the Congested Districts Board will acquire this land for the enlargement of small holdings?


The Congested Districts Board have been in communication with the owner of the estate referred to, but up to the present it has not been offered for sale to them.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that negotiations have been going on for four years, and is it not time the Congested Districts Board took practical steps to acquire the land?


The Congested Districts Board has been in negotiation for a considerable number of years with the owners of land in this part. We cannot consider one estate without regard to others. We are most anxious to buy all we can.


Has this landlord been endeavouring to sell his land in the public market, so as to deny the right to poor people to have their holdings enlarged?


I do not think he has succeeded in doing so.

81. Mr. FLAVIN

asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet taken any action to acquire the lands owned by Colonel Rice, of Bushmount Causeway, county Kerry, for resale amongst the tenants; and whether, seeing that Colonel Rice absolutely refuses to recognise the Board or their communications for the past two years, steps will be taken to improve the condition of the tenants under Colonel Rice by a purchase scheme?


I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 22nd May last. The Congested Districts Board do not propose to take steps to acquire this estate com-pulsority pending the result of proceedings which have been taken for the compulsory acquisition of some other estates.