HC Deb 02 August 1912 vol 41 c2497
1 and 2. Mr. EDMUND HARVEY

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether he has received a complaint on behalf of the Northern Masai that they object to being moved to the new Southern Reserve; that the new Reserve is very badly watered and full of malaria; and that in many parts of it cattle sickness is prevalent; and (2) whether he has been approached by a legal representative of the Northern Masai with a statement in which they challenge the legality of the agreement under which they are now being moved, and state that the signatures to it were obtained by threats; what action he is taking in the matter; and whether, in the meantime, he will stop any further movement of the Masai from Laikipia?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Harcourt)

I have received a letter to the effect indicated in my hon. Friend's questions from a local barrister, who appears to be acting on behalf of Legalishu, one of the chiefs of the Northern Masai, and his followers. As this letter was not sent to me through the local authorities in accordance with the prescribed practice, it has been necessary to refer the letter to them for a report. The allegations contained in the letter are not supported by the information in my possession, and I see no good ground for stopping the movement of the Masai.