HC Deb 01 August 1912 vol 41 c2241

asked if the right hon. Gentleman's attention has been called to a report of the half-yearly meeting of the British North Borneo Company, held on the 11th July, at which the fact was disclosed that the company derives a large revenue from the sale of opium; and whether it is at his desire, as stated by the chairman in his speech, that the company itself should carry on such a traffic?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The company is about to take into its own hands the control of the opium trade and to abolish the farm system, thus following the example of the Straits Settlements and other Eastern administrations. I consider that this is a very desirable step, as it renders possible a more complete control by Government of the opium traffic. My hon. Friend is, of course, aware that the British North Borneo Company is itself the governing body of the State of North Borneo.