HC Deb 31 October 1911 vol 30 cc697-8

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is now in a position to make a general statement with regard to the raising of the minimum wage for adult workmen employed under the War Department?

Colonel SEELY

The minimum rates of wage for adult unskilled labour at home stations have been carefully reviewed. Increases of from 6d. to 2s. per week have been given at various stations with effect from 1st April last. Further additions up to 1s. per week have been granted in cases where the work performed, though of a generally unskilled character, involves some small degree of skill or responsibility.


Has the right hon. Gentleman a list of the stations referred to, and are the amounts in question in accordance with the recommendations of the advisory committee of last year. I will, if the right hon. Gentleman prefers, put the question down.

Colonel SEELY

If the hon. Member will put it down to the Financial Secretary, who deals with all these matters, he will get the fullest information. I have not a list of the stations here.


Are the wages now paid equal to those paid outside for similar labour?

Colonel SEELY

That is what we aim at. If a suggestion is made that it is not so, we inquire into it immediately.