§ Mr. DORISasked the Chief Secretary if he is aware that the tenants of the Fibbs Irwin estate, Turlough, county Mayo, in 715 Chancery, the owner being a lunatic, memorialised the late Lord Chancellor in 1903, with a view to the sale of the property under the Land Purchase Acts, and that they approached the agent with the like object, but were unsuccessful; that, after the passing of the Land Purchase Act, 1909, they memorialised the Congested Districts Board to approach the Lord Chancellor with a view to the sale of the property; did the Board communicate with the Lord Chancellor accordingly, and, if so, what was the nature of his reply; is he aware that, of the fifty-one tenants on the estate, forty-four are living on uneconomic holdings; can he give the names of the members of the committee appointed over the owner, the duties they have to perform, and the remuneration they receive for such duties; will the Board approach the present Lord Chancellor with a view to a voluntary sale; and, should he refuse to take action, will the Board proceed to acquire this congested estate compulsorily?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Registrar in Lunacy informs me that offers for purchase of their holdings were made by the tenants on this estate in 1903. The offers were considered inadequate and were refused on that ground. The Congested Districts Board have made no communication either to the Lord Chancellor or to the Lunacy Department as regards the sale of the estate. The estate is in charge of a Receiver. The Congested Districts Board have asked the solicitor in the matter to furnish maps and rental, but they have not yet been lodged. It is not apprehended that compulsory proceedings will be necessary.