HC Deb 30 October 1911 vol 30 c508

asked whether any, and, if so, what local authorities have replied to the recent circular respecting the formation of a corps of special constables to deal with labour emergencies by agreeing to undertake their formation; and whether any moneys voted by Parliament are to be devoted to the purpose of such armament?


I believe that local police authorities are generally taking active steps to form reserves to supplement the ordinary police when need arises, but I am not in a position at present to say how much has been done by the different authorities—of whom there are 190—nor can I add anything to what is stated in the circular as to the financial arrangements. I may say that a police reserve is intended for service whenever the permanent force is insufficient in number for the proper discharge of its duty of maintaining order, and not merely for emergencies arising out of industrial disputes.


May I ask whether one of these forces has been formed in Belfast?


I must have notice of that question. I will inquire.


Will the Home Office persist, under its new chief, in the effort to find some force other than the armed soldiery to repress civil disturbances?