HC Deb 30 October 1911 vol 30 cc532-3

asked the Prime Minister whether he has received the Report made by the Liverpool licensing committee, and adopted in its entirety by the Liverpool justices, recommending the curtailment of the hours of sale of intoxicating liquor in clubs and public-houses and other reforms; whether he will circulate the same for the information of Members; and whether the Report will receive early consideration from the Government with a view to the recommendations being included in the promised Government Licensing Bill?


The Prime Minister has asked me to reply to this question. I have not yet received officially a copy of this Report, but my attention—and, I suppose, that of every hon. Member interested in the question—has been attracted to the summary which has been widely published. My hon. Friend will be aware that the Licensing Bill of 1908 contained provisions going a considerable way in the direction recommended by the Liverpool licensing justices, and I can assure him that in so far as their recommendations go beyond the Bill, they will be given all the weight to which the views of so careful and vigilant a bench are entitled.