HC Deb 30 October 1911 vol 30 cc527-8

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture whether an organisation known as the Irish Agricultural Organisation Society had applied for a grant from the Development Commissioners, and whether his department had reported upon the same; whether he had withdrawn the grant from this society in the month of January, 1908, on the publication of very remarkable disclosures; and what steps he now intends to take in the matter?


The answer to the first and second questions on the Paper is in the affirmative. The Irish Agricultural Organisation Society applied to the Development Commissioners for a Grant-in-Aid of their work, and the Department, in compliance with the Statute, reported upon the application. In reply to the third question, I have to say that for eight years prior to the date named in the question the society drew £29,000 by way of grant from the Department's funds. After full discussion, and with the concurrence of the Council of Agriculture, and by a Minute of the Agricultural Board amounting almost to a direction, the grant was withdrawn. I informed the Development Commissioners in July last that, in view of the circumstances attendant upon the withdrawal of the Department's grant, I could not comply with their suggestion to aid in reconstituting the society with a view to a grant being made without the matter being considered by the Council and by the Agricultural Board. Meetings of these two statutory bodies have, therefore, been convened for 16th and 17th November next. After these meetings have been held I shall be able to state the decision of the Department.


What are the remarkable disclosures referred to in the question?


That would be rather an involved story, entirely unsuited to question and answer in the House.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that great dissatisfaction exists in Ireland owing to the withdrawal of the grant?


I am aware of nothing of the kind.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether representations were not made to him to that effect in the recent election at North Tyrone?


The answer is in the negative. Not a single representation of dissatisfaction was made to me.