HC Deb 30 November 1911 vol 32 cc663-4

(1) The contributions payable by voluntary contributors shall be at the rate appropriate to their age at the date of their entry into insurance ascertained in accordance with a table to be prepared by the Insurance Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as the voluntary rate) and shall be paid by the voluntary contributors at weekly or other prescribed intervals:

Provided that—

  1. (a) In the case of a person who comes into insurance within six months after the commencement of this Act, the voluntary rate shall, if he is below the age of forty-five at the date of coming into insurance, be the same as the employed rate, and if he is above that age, be such rate, ascertained according to a table to be prepared by the Insurance Commissioners, as, having regard to his age at that date, will be sufficient to cover seven-ninths, or in the case of a woman three-fourths, of the benefits conferred by this Part of the Act;
  2. (b) Where a person, having been an employed contributor for five years or upwards, becomes a voluntary contributor the rate of contribution payable by him shall continue to be the employed rate.

(2) Contributions by voluntary contributors shall cease to be payable on their attaining the age of seventy.

Amendments made: Leave out the word "comes" ["comes into insurance"], and insert instead thereof the word "enters."

Leave out the word "coming" ["date of coming into"], and insert instead thereof the word "entering."

Leave out the words "above that age" ["if he is above that age"], and insert instead thereof the words "of the age of forty-five or upwards."—[Mr. Lloyd George.]