HC Deb 30 November 1911 vol 32 c696

(1) No branch of an approved society having insured persons among its members shall be entitled to secede or withdraw from the society without the consent of the Insurance Commissioners; but such consent shall not be given unless the seceding or withdrawing branch complies with the conditions of approval requisite in the case of approved societies, and on any such consent being given the branch shall be subject in all respects to the provisions and requirements of this Part of this Act relating to approved societies.

(2) An approved society or a branch thereof shall not be dissolved without the sanction of the Insurance Commissioners, and any such dissolution, so far as it affects members who are insured persons, shall be carried out in the prescribed manner.

(3) No branch of an approved society shall be expelled from the society unless proper provision is made to the satisfaction of the Insurance Office with respect to any members of the branch who are insured persons.

(4) This section shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in any Act regulating the constitution of the society.

Amendments made: At end of Sub-section (1), insert the words, "Provided that such consent shall not be required if the branch makes provision to the satisfaction of the Insurance Commissioners for the transfer to other approved societies or to other branches of the society from which it is seceding or withdrawing of such of its members as are insured persons."

In Sub-section (3), leave out the word "office," and insert instead thereof the word "Commissioners."—[Mr. Lloyd George.]