§ Where the mother of the child is herself an insured person, and is not the wife of an insured person, maternity benefit shall be treated as a benefit for her and shall be administered in cash or otherwise by the approved society of which she is a member, or if she is not a member of any society by the local health committee; in any other case the benefit shall be treated as a benefit for her husband and shall be administered in cash or otherwise by the approved society of which he is a member, or if he is not a member of any such society by the local health committee, and shall be payable in respect of a posthumous child:
§ Provided always that the mother shall decide whether she shall be attended by a registered medical practitioner or by a duly certified midwife, and shall have free choice in the selection of such practitioner or midwife.
§ Amendments made: After the word "wife," insert the words "or, in the case of a posthumous child, the widow."
§ After the word "child" ["posthumous child"], insert the words "as if the husband were still alive."
§ Leave out the word "registered," and insert instead thereof the words "duly qualified."
At end of Clause insert,
(2) In deciding whether or not they shall make an order under The Bastardy Laws Amendment Act, 1872, for the payment of the expenses incidental to the birth of a child, the justices shall not take into consideration the fact that the mother of the child is entitled to receive maternity benefit under this Part of the Act.—[Mr. Lloyd George.]