HC Deb 30 November 1911 vol 32 cc657-60

  1. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, all persons who are employed within the meaning of this Part of this Act shall be, and any persons who are not so employed but who possess the qualifications hereinafter mentioned may be, insured in manner provided in this Part of this Act, and all persons so insured (in this Act called "insured persons") shall be entitled 658 in the manner and subject to the conditions provided in this Act to the benefits in respect of health insurance and prevention of sickness conferred by this Part of this Act.
  2. (2) The persons employed within the meaning of this Part of this Act (in this Act referred to as "employed contributors") shall include all persons of either sex, whether British subjects or not, who are engaged in any of the employments specified in Part I. of the First Schedule to this Act, not being employments specified in Part II. of that Schedule:

Provided that the Insurance Commissioners hereinafter constituted may, with the approval of the Treasury, by a special order made in manner hereinafter provided, provide for including amongst the persons employed within the meaning of this Part of this Act any persons engaged in any of the excepted employments specified in part 2 of the said Schedule.

(3) The persons not employed within the meaning of this Part of this Act who are entitled to become insured persons include all persons who either—

  1. (a) are engaged in some regular occupation and are wholly or mainly dependent for their livelihood on the earnings derived by them from that occupation; or
  2. (b) have been employed contributors for a period of five years or upwards;
and the persons possessing such qualifications who become insured persons are in this Act referred to as voluntary contributors: Provided always that no person shall be entitled to become an insured person under the provisions of this Sub-section whose total income from all sources exceeds one hundred and sixty pounds:

Provided that where a person who has been a voluntary contributor for five years or upwards ceases to possess such qualifications as aforesaid he shall not by reason thereof be disentitled to continue to be insured under this Part of this Act.

(4) Except as hereinafter provided nothing in this Section shall require or authorise a person over the age of sixty-five years not previously insured under this Part of this Act to become so insured.

Amendments made: In Sub-section (1), after the word "persons" ["subject to the provisions of this Act, all persons"], insert the words "of the age of sixteen and upwards."

After the word "any" ["and any persons who"], insert the word "such."

In Sub-section (2), after the word "Schedule" ["part 2 of the said Schedule"] insert the words, "either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as may be specified in the order."

In Sub-section (3), leave out the word "become" ["become insured persons"], and insert instead thereof the word "be."

In paragraph (b), leave out the words "employed contributors," and insert instead thereof the words "insured persons."

After the word "become" ["who become insured persons"], insert the words "or continue to be."

Leave out the words "shall be entitled to become an insured person under the provisions of this Sub-section."

After the word "pounds" ["one hundred and sixty pounds"], insert the words "a year shall be entitled to be a voluntary contributor unless he has been insured under this part of this Act for a period of five years or upwards."

Leave out the words "Provided that where a person who has been a voluntary contributor for five years or upwards ceases to possess such qualifications as aforesaid he shall not by reason thereof be disentitled to continue to be insured under this Part of this Act."

In Sub-section (4), leave out the words "over the age of sixty-five years," and insert instead thereof the words "of the age of sixty-five or upwards."—[Mr. Lloyd George.]