HC Deb 29 November 1911 vol 32 c385

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether one of the officers of the Royal Navy lent to Canada had been found guilty on certain charges preferred against him for his conduct while serving in the Canadian Navy by a British court-martial at Halifax, in Canada; and, if so, what the name of this officer is, of what offence was he found guilty, and what sentence was passed upon him?


Three officers of the "Niobe" were tried by courts-martial ordered by the Canadian Naval Authorities. The proceedings of the courts-martial will be forwarded by the Courts to those authorities. The trials were held in consequence of the grounding of the "Niobe." We have no detailed report of the proceedings, but a telegram has been received stating that Commander Macdonald (R.N.) was honourably acquitted, that Lieutenant C. White (retired, R.N.) was sentenced to be severely reprimanded and dismissed his ship, and that Lieutenant Lord Alastair Graham (R.N.) was reprimanded.


Was the trial by a British court-martial?


Yes, ordered by the Canadian naval authorities.