HC Deb 28 November 1911 vol 32 c214

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for War a question of which I have given him private notice: whether he is aware that on Thursday, 16th November, shells, evidently fired from the biggest type of guns, fell amongst the houses and gardens of Bembridge, Isle of Wight; that some of the people of that town had narrow escapes of their lives; whether he can state whether the said shells were fired by foreign hostile ships of war, or by the military forces of His Majesty, and whether, in either event, he will take steps to protect the life, limbs, and property of the loyal subjects of His Majesty the King in Bembridge?

Colonel SEELY

The General Officer-Commanding-in-Chief concerned has been requested to furnish a full report on this matter. I have not received the full report yet; but I will communicate with the hon. Gentleman when I have received it.


Ought not the officer who fired these, guns to be locked up as a criminal lunatic?

Colonel SEELY

We have to ascertain the facts. There is no doubt the shells fell into the gardens, and that is no doubt a most reprehensible thing. It is very unwise to assume anybody is guilty.