HC Deb 24 November 1911 vol 31 cc1608-9

(1) The firemen examiners or deputies of a mine shall, within such time not exceeding two hours immediately before the commencement of work in a shift as may be fixed by the regulations of the mine, inspect every part of the mine situated beyond the station or each of the stations, and in which workmen are to work or pass during that shift, and all working places in which work is temporarily stopped within any ventilating district in which the men have to work, and shall ascertain the condition thereof so far as the presence of gas, ventilation, roof and sides, and general safety are concerned.

(2) The inspection shall be made with a locked safety lamp.

(3) A full and accurate report, specifying whether or not, and where if any, noxious or inflammable gas was found, and whether or not any, and, if any, what defects in roofs or sides and other sources of danger were observed, shall be recorded without delay in a book to be kept at the mine for the purpose, and accessible to the workmen, and such report shall be signed by, and so far as the same does not consist of printed matter shall be in the handwriting of the person who made the inspection.

(4) For the purpose of the foregoing provisions of this Section, two or more shifts succeeding one another so that work is carried on without any interval are to be deemed to be one shift.


I beg to move, in Sub-section (1), after "sides" ["roof and sides"], to insert the words "and supply of timber."

The object of the Amendment is to secure that there should be a provision of timber near the workplaces. Clause 51 appears to cover my object, but my right hon. Friend will see that it is necessary that the timber should be at the spot where it can be used. Clause 51 imposes upon the management generally that timber shall be kept within so many yards of the working places where it is required, but my point is that it should be placed where it is readily available.


The point has already been provided for.


I ask leave to withdraw my Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Amendments made: At the beginning of Sub-section (2), insert the words "Except in the case of a mine in which inflammable gas is unknown."

At the end of Sub-section (2), insert the words "and no other light shall be used during the inspection."—[Mr. Masterman.]


I beg to move, at the end of the Clause, to insert the words, And if the deputy be interfered with in the discharge of the aforesaid duties the person or persons so interfering shall be guilty of an offence against this Act. I certainly think the deputy should be afforded some protection other than that which he at present enjoys.


I beg to second the Amendment. It is more likely the workmen will interfere with the firemen than any one else


The Government have no very strong views against this Amendment, but I think the Bill applies already to the point. Clause 63 requires the deputies to perform certain duties, and by Clause 74 the responsibilty is placed on the management to see that those duties are performed.


I think the Under-Secretary had this matter completely brought to his consideration by a deputation, and he gave some assurance in regard to it. It is really to protect the deputy from any interference—I do not say such is likely to arise—in the independent discharge of his duties by the management.

Amendment negatived.