HC Deb 23 November 1911 vol 31 c1369

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if his attention had been drawn to the statement made by Judge Stevenson, at Cockermouth County Court last week, where he made a reduced order of 6d. a week against a woman and stated that he could not understand how the woman was able to maintain a family of seven children on her husband's wage of 21s.; if he was aware that when the State Insurance Bill became law, in consequence of thousands of workmen being called upon to pay 6½d per week out of a wage of less than £1 per week, thousands of families would be in a worse position than the case referred to; and if he intended reducing the contributions to the State insurance scheme for those who were receiving less than £1 per week?


I hope that the result of the Insurance Bill will be to place thousands of families of the poorest class in a better position than ever before in times of illness and unemployment. The scale of reduced contributions for low wage-earners was fixed after very careful consideration, and my right hon. Friend does not see his way to adopt my hon. Friend's suggestion.

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