HC Deb 23 November 1911 vol 31 c1384

asked the President of the Local Government Board if he could now state what were to be the rules and regulations which were to govern the administration of the casual wards when under the management of the managers of the Metropolitan Asylums Board; would he also lay upon the Table of the House copies of any arrangements which might be made with philanthropic societies for receiving casuals from the Metropolitan Asylums Board, and also state whether he had now decided what were to be the tasks of work imposed; and what arrangements were to be made for the early morning discharge of those men and women who were seeking work?


Some little time must elapse before I shall be in a position to say whether any alterations should be made in the regulations governing the administration of the casual wards either with regard to the tasks of work or the times of discharge or otherwise. Nor can it yet be stated whether such arrangements as may be made for co-operation between the Metropolitan Asylums Board and voluntary agencies will be of a sufficiently formal kind to be embodied in written agreements.