HC Deb 21 November 1911 vol 31 cc1154-5

Provisions of The Factory and Workshop Act, 1901, applied to Special Orders made under Part I. of this Act relating to Health Insurance.

80.—(1) Before the Insurance Commissioners make any Special Order under this Act, they shall publish, in such manner as they may think best adapted for informing persons affected, notice of the proposal to make the order, and of the place where copies of the draft order may be obtained, and of the time (which shall be not less than twenty-one days) within which any objection made with respect to the draft order by or on behalf of persons affected must be sent to the Insurance Commissioners.

(2) Every objection must be in writing and state—

  1. (a) the draft order or portions of draft order objected to;
  2. (b) the specific grounds of objection; and
  3. (c) the omissions, additions, or modifications asked for.

(3) The Insurance Commissioners shall consider any objection made by or on behalf of any persons appearing to them to be affected which is sent to them within the required time, and they may, if they think fit, amend the draft order, and shall then cause the amended draft to be dealt with in like manner as an original draft.

(4) Where the Insurance Commissioners do not amend or withdraw any draft order to which any objection has been made, then (unless the objection either is withdrawn or appears to them to be frivolous) they shall, before making the order, direct an inquiry to be held in the manner hereinafter provided.

81.—(1) The Insurance Commissioners may appoint a competent person to hold an inquiry with regard to any draft order, and to report to them thereon.

(2) The inquiry shall be held in public, and any objector and any other person who, in the opinion of the person holding the inquiry, is affected by the draft order, may appear at the inquiry either in person or by counsel, solicitor, or agent.

(3) The witnesses on the inquiry may, if the person holding it thinks fit, be examined on oath.

(4) Subject as aforesaid, the inquiry and all proceedings preliminary and incidental thereto shall be conducted in accordance with the rules made by the Insurance Commissioners.

(5) The fee to be paid to the person holding the inquiry shall be such as the Insurance Commissioners may direct and shall be deemed to be

Bill, as amended in Committee of the whole House and in Standing Committee, to be considered upon Tuesday next, 28th instant, and to be printed.