HC Deb 21 November 1911 vol 31 cc1009-10

asked what is the strength and composition of the garrison of Port Royal, Kingston, Jamaica; what is the number and calibre of guns mounted for the defence of the harbour; and whether, in view of the greatly increased strategical importance of the harbour on the completion of the Panama Canal, steps are being taken to increase the garrison and the strength of the defences?

Colonel SEELY

It is not considered to be in the interests of the public service to publish any information concerning the garrison or defences of fortified places.


Is it not the fact that the guns mounted there are not heavy enough to compete with modern artillery?

Colonel SEELY

I have said it is not in the public interest to make any statement. I cannot reply to the question.


Is it not public knowledge in the island what guns are there? It is published in the Army List.

Colonel SEELY

No, the hon. and gallant Gentleman is in error. Full information with regard to this or any other fortified place is not published in any form.