HC Deb 21 November 1911 vol 31 cc1008-9

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether, in addition to the increase of twelve lakhs of rupees recorded in the Excise revenue of Bengal in 1910–11 as compared with the previous year, there was a further increase of five and a-half lakhs, or 7 per cent., in the province of Eastern Bengal and Assam during the same period; whether he is aware that all the divisions participated in this increase and that the expansion in the Assam Valley alone amounted to nearly two and a-half lakhs; and whether he can state what steps it is intended to take to check the growing consumption of intoxicating liquors and drugs in these Provinces?


In Bengal the increase of Excise Revenue in 1910–11 was not accompanied by any marked or corresponding increase in the consumption of alcohol, and there was no increase in the consumption of opium. In Eastern Bengal and Assam the increase was accompanied by decreased consumption of opium, and was not accompanied by increased consumption of alcohol or by increased drunkenness. In both provinces increased taxation through licences and duty has been the principal cause of the increased Excise Revenue. Over a considerable area the contract distillery system was substituted for the outstill, resulting in a decreased consumption of alcohol. The local governments will no doubt adopt such further restrictive measures as may be necessary.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether his attention has been called to the statement of the Secretary to the Board of Revenue in Eastern Bengal and Assam to the effect that there was an increase of 100 maunds in the consumption of ganja in that province in 1910–11; whether he is aware that this drug is of a more injurious nature than opium; and whether, in view of the impolicy of substituting ganja for opium as a means of intoxication, the Government will take steps to reduce the consumption of these articles?


The statement referred to in my hon. Friend's question was to the effect that the restrictive measures adopted in respect of opium had been accompanied by an increase in the consumption of ganja. It was added that the question of raising the duty on ganja was under consideration. The local Government, with whom the responsibility rests, is thus acting in the direction suggested by my hon. Friend.

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