HC Deb 15 November 1911 vol 31 c362
Captain FABER

asked whether the Clause in the Coal Mines Bill prohibiting women's work at the pit brow is to be deleted; if so, at what date; whether the restriction to prohibit tub-shoving will affect the women more adversely than the original Clause; and whether the evidence of the doctors is that tub-shoving cannot possibly be harmful to the women's health, seeing that they start the tub with a push of one hand?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question. It is the intention of the Government to move on the Report stage of the Bill the omission of the provision which was inserted in Committee, prohibiting the employment of women, other than those already employed, on the surface of mines; and to propose that this class of employment shall be subject to certain conditions with the object of safeguarding so far as may be necessary the health of the workers. The question of the conditions necessary is now under consideration, and I am not in a position at present to make any statement. Representations have been made to me in regard to the employment of women in pushing tubs, which will receive attention, but I may say that I am advised that it is not by any means always the case that a tub can be started with a mere push of one hand.


Will the right hon. Gentleman before making these regulations inquire from the local medical officers who attend these women, so that the regulations may be fair to them?


I will bear in mind what the hon. Member says.