HC Deb 14 November 1911 vol 31 cc207-8

I beg to ask the Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government do not consider that the presentation by the Russian Government of an ultimatum to the Government of Persia, the news of which was confirmed yesterday, is not a direct violation of the Anglo-Russian Agreement, by which both Great Britain and Russia pledged themselves to preserve the integrity and independence of Persia; and whether His Majesty's Government have remonstrated with the Russian Government with a view to preventing the rupture of diplomatic relations and the consequent invasion of Persia?


The Anglo-Russian Agreement cannot be construed as depriving either Government of the right to claim redress if its own subjects or their property are injured. The issue of an ultimatum based on such a claim is not, therefore, necessarily or in principle a violation of the Agreement. His Majesty's Government have no direct concern with the particular incident that has given rise to this dispute. They would deeply regret any serious rupture of relations between Russia and Persia, but the issues raised by recent developments in Persia are too important to be dealt with, except by a fuller statement that can be made on one point in answer to a question. I trust that an opportunity for this will be available in the House later on.