HC Deb 08 November 1911 vol 30 cc1776-7

(1) All sums available for sanatorium benefit in a county or county borough, and all sums payable in respect of deposit contributors so resident for the purposes of medical benefit and administrative expenses in any year, shall be paid or credited to the local health committee at the commencement of that year.

(2) There shall also be paid to the local health committee in every year by each approved society having members who are insured persons resident in the county or county borough, in respect of each such member, the sum of one penny towards the administrative expenses of the committee:

Provided that if the special circumstances of any county are such that the Insurance Commissioners consider that the travelling expenses of the members of the committee should be repaid to them by the committee, the Insurance Commissioners may authorise such repayment, and in such case may increase the said sum of one penny to such sum, not exceeding twopence, as they may determine.

(4) Proper books and accounts shall be kept in the prescribed form toy the local health committee, and shall when required be submitted to an audit by auditors to be appointed by the Treasury, and shall render to the Insurance Commissioners such returns as may be prescribed.

(5) It shall be lawful for any local authority, out of any fund or rate out of which the expenses of the authority are payable, to subscribe such sums as it may think fit towards the general purposes of the local health committee.

Amendment made: Leave out Sub-section (4).—[Mr. Lloyd George.]

Committee report Progress; to sit again to-morrow (Thursday).