HC Deb 08 November 1911 vol 30 c1666

asked the Under-Secretary whether, in arranging the promised competition for aeroplanes and aviation, he will follow the example of other nations and confine the Government prizes to English manufacturers, who alone could be relied upon in time of war; and whether he will give some of the prizes in the form of orders for the manufacture of machines rather than in cash?

Colonel SEELY

The object of the competition is to obtain a design most suitable for Army requirements, and, therefore, it is not desirable to confine the competition to English manufacturers. The method of allotting the prizes to be given is not yet settled.


Is it not essential that Army implements should be manufactured in England?

Colonel SEELY

It is quite plain, for the reasons given in the question, that the manufacture should take place in England for obvious reasons, but we say we do not intend to restrict the competition to English inventors for the reasons I have given.