HC Deb 07 November 1911 vol 30 cc1474-5

asked the Prime Minister, had any provision been made for the administrations of the Royal functions during the forthcoming absence of His Majesty the King during his voyage to India; would that provision be made by the nomination of Lords Justices or, if not, how otherwise, and, in case it was by nomination of Lords Justices, would he state to the House whom it was proposed to nominate; and whether this House would have an opportunity of considering and pronouncing upon such nomination?


Provision will be made by Order in Council for delegating the exercise of certain of the executive functions of the Crown during the King's absence. The language of the Order will necessarily be wide, but as His Majesty will, during his absence, be in daily telegraphic communication with His Ministers here, all matters of gravity and importance will, in ordinary course, be submitted to him. The persons named in the Commission will be H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Connaught, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, and the Lord President of the Council. No legislation is needed for the purpose.