Mr. SHIRLEY BENNasked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will consider the advisability of altering the King's Regulations (Addenda, 1911), Article 768, so that, if the circumstances of a conviction of a seaman or marine on shore are considered by a captain to be of a comparatively trivial nature, the forfeiture of a good-conduct badge may be remitted by him without having to bring the matter to the attention of the Commander-in-Chief and obtain his approval?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAExcept in so far as suggested in the questions of the hon. Member, I am not aware that the existing regulation has caused any hardship; but if it be found in practice to create difficulties, the question of revision will be considered. The intention is that only the more serious offences such as bring disgrace on the Naval uniform should be visit with naval penalties.