HC Deb 02 November 1911 vol 30 c1015

asked whether in some of His Majesty's smaller prisons the female officers are kept on continuous duty for 100 hours per week on what is termed the long week, and seventy-two hours on the short week; and if he will take immediate steps to have these hours of duty for these female warders materially reduced?


I cannot accept the figures which have been furnished to the hon. Member. The hours of duty for a week of seven days average sixty-one hours forty-five minutes. Officers are kept in turn for evening duty, but all such overtime is compensated for by an equivalent time off duty. I do not know how the times mentioned by the hon. Member are made up, but I suppose they include in addition to hours of duty, meal hours and all such time as the officer has to herself in the prison. I will, however, consider the whole question further as regards both female and male officers.