§ Sir JOHN LONSDALEasked the Chief Secretary if he will state why the principal teacher of Poyntzpass mixed national school. Roll No. 4,960, who was promoted to a higher grade on 1st April, 1910, has not yet received his grade salary, although Rule 105 (a) of the Commissioners of National Education states that teachers promoted from a lower to a higher grade receive on promotion the salary fixed for the grade to which they are promoted; if he is aware that the arrears due to this teacher up to 30th September, 1911, amounted to £18; and if it is the intention of the Government to allow the Commissioners to pay this sum?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe teacher of Poyntzpass National School has not received the salary of the grade to which he was promoted from 1st April, 1910, in consequence of the limitation of the standard numbers in the grade. This is one of the forty-seven cases referred to in my reply to the hon. Member's question of 26th October.
§ Sir J. LONSDALEWill the right hon. Gentleman ask the Government or the Chancellor of the Exchequer to fulfil their obligations to these unfortunate teachers?
§ Mr. BIRRELLI have already explained to the House that so far as the Treasury is concerned they are perfectly willing to discharge their obligations to these forty-seven persons, but the Commissioners of National Education will not carry out the recommendation.