HC Deb 31 May 1911 vol 26 c1080
Colonel BURN

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if the authorities would grant permission to Territorials who cannot attend the annual training with their own unit to be attached to a Regular or Territorial Regiment engaged during the Army manœuvres in September, allowing them to count that service as the regular training; and would these men be granted the pay and allowances of their rank, though not actually doing their training with their own unit?

Colonel SEELY

For efficient training it is considered essential that men should be instructed by their own officers and non-commissioned officers, and carry out their training in the squadron, battery, or company to which they belong. The training at Army manœuvres is of too advanced a nature to serve as a substitute for the annual training of Territorial units, nor could Regular officers during manœuvres spare the time to give the Territorial soldiers the special attention which would be necessary to make the training of any value to them.


Are we to understand that the answer is practically negative?

Colonel SEELY

I think it would almost amount to that.