HC Deb 23 May 1911 vol 26 cc148-9

asked the President of the Board of Education if, before final steps are taken to make operative the scheme dealing with West's Gifts at Christ's Hospital, he will arrange that the local education authority of Newbury shall have reasonable opportunities of considering the proposals with a view to submitting to the Department such amendments as they may think desirable?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Runciman)

The amending scheme for West's Gifts has been under discussion for some years, and the Newbury Local Education Authority, in common with all other parties concerned, have been given the fullest opportunities for making representations and suggestions as to the terms of the scheme. The scheme has been revised from time to time after consideration of the various suggestions received. It cannot become law until it has received the approval of His Majesty in Council, but I think that the time has now come when the matter should be brought to a conclusion so far as the Board are concerned and that no useful purpose would be served by further delay.


Does the right hon. Gentleman know the local authority has not yet seen the final scheme?


We have had some representations from Newbury, but all the points raised had previously been considered and disposed of from time to time. If they have not seen the final scheme perhaps the hon. Gentleman would let me know.


If they have not seen the final scheme will he give further consideration to their views?


I shall not promise any further consideration upon the point. It has been dragging on for years, and all the parties concerned made the fullest consideration. We must bring it to a final conclusion.