HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 cc1846-7
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland the number of acres and the amount of capital, free and advanced, given to John Bernard Magee, an evicted tenant on the demesne at Lurgan, county Armagh; if John Bernard Magee has since sold the farm and the stock which was given him as a free gift subject to the provisions of the Act; what was the amount of the purchase money; if this man is now living on the proceeds near Downpatrick; and if it is intended to give him another farm?


John B. Magee, an evicted tenant, was allotted some thirty acres on lands acquired by the Estates Commissioners. The purchase money of the holding is £679, which includes £160 sanctioned for buildings and repayable as part of the land purchase annuity. The Commissioners also expended £25 as a grant for the purchase of stock. The Commissioners are informed that Magee sold his interest in the holding for £370, and they have required the £25 grant expended for stock to be repaid. It is not the intention of the Commissioners to give Magee any other holding.

Captain CRAIG

May I ask why people of this sort are chosen to give farms and free grants when immediately afterwards they turn round and sell them, and why not more care should be taken in selecting people to whom those farms are given and to see that they are respectable people?


I quite admit what the hon. Gentleman says except that I do not think it is an indication of a man's respectability that, having got a farm, he sells it. I do hope that in future great care will be taken to see that no advances are made to persons except to those who really and honestly intend to live on and cultivate the land.


Can the right hon. Gentleman give us any information as to why this evicted tenant had to sell his evicted farm in Armagh, and leave for another county?


No, Sir.