HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 c1815

asked the Secretary of State whether, in his letter of the 27th ultimo, addressed to the Congo Reform Association, in which he states that the information supplied by the Reverend D. C. Davies, was of too indefinite a character, he had also before him letters from other missionaries, corroborative of Mr. Davies's reports, in which definite charges were made and districts given where the cruelties took place; and whether he is now willing to lay the reports of our consuls upon the Table, some of which have been withheld for more than two years, in order that the House may judge for itself as to the correctness or otherwise of these reports?


I had before me two letters from other missionaries, but the incidents mentioned in them did not take place in the districts referred to in Mr. Davies's report. Those letters have been forwarded to His Majesty's Consul at Boma for inquiry. As I have already stated, it is my intention to publish Consular reports as soon as I receive those of two Consuls who are now on tour in the Congo.