HC Deb 16 May 1911 vol 25 c1825

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War, having regard to the fact that, under the scheme of linking Cavalry regiments introduced in 1903, every regiment in a normal cycle of twenty-eight years is intended to receive fourteen years' home and fourteen years' foreign service, that the 7th Hussars have already completed sixteen years' foreign service compared with eight years and a-half at home, and that if sent to India this next autumn they will have served thirty years abroad as against nine years at home, whether he will consider the advisability of a modification of the linking system whereby another Hussar regiment could be detailed for India in. their stead?

Colonel SEELY

I have nothing to add to the reply given in reply to a similar question on the 20th of last month.

Captain FABER

May I ask if the officers and men were warned beforehand that they would have to serve thirty years abroad?

Colonel SEELY

I do not suppose it was possible to warn them at that time. I have explained fully how it has arisen. It is regrettable, but unavoidable.


Surely it is not impossible to see that an act of justice should be done to the officers and men.

Colonel SEELY

No, Sir; but the hon. and gallant Gentleman knows that what he calls an act of justice would cause also what he would think an act of injustice to other corps.


How would it be an act of injustice to other corps?

Captain FABER

How long has the present linking system been in force?

Colonel SEELY

I could not say exactly.